Monday 2 June 2014

Love my Little Lists

As a  wife, mother, friend, teacher and all the other roles we play...I just can't remember all that has to be done. So I chop my day up into little pieces. And for each piece I have a LIST.

There is a green list stuck to the cupboard above the kettle to tell me about all the little "kosblikkies" and things that needs to go into the boys' bags.

I put my vitamins and other stuff in a "butterfly box" on top of my underwear so I can remember to take it.

I consult my timetable on the fridge to see how my day is going to go.

I write the items on the list on the white board on the fridge on a piece of paper (with my favourite pink pen - who can live without colour?) This is only for in case I do the shopping - because I've got an amazing husband who prefers to do the grocery shopping each Friday night.

Then I also have weekly or daily "to-do" lists to remind me of all the things I must do (Written on "one-sided paper". I like to reduce, re-use and recycle). I don't actually use my diary. I don't know why.

And then, if all else fails, I send an e-mail to myself with a reminder. :) Because I know that even when I forget to look on my cell phone, my computer is always on and I will check my mail / facebook at least once a day, most of the time.

So, an overwhelming day can become a victorious day by chopping it up into little chunks and lists.
Right now I am in my me-time-tea-time chunk, so signing off to make some Earl Grey tea.

YOU must remember to make some ME-TIME for yourself - in order to stay strong for the family. The mother is the glue that keeps the family together and the oil that keeps things running smoothly in the home.

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